Terms of Service


The purpose of this site is share informations about Rapiro. Here is the place that anyone who agree this terms may upload text and digital media for the purpose.


This site is owned by Switch Science, Inc. To contact us, send an email to forum@switch-science.com.


In this page, “we” or “us” means Switch Science, Inc. “user” means anyone who use this website. "content" means text and digital media which user uploaded to this website.


We use the identification number of Twitter or Facebook to identify users. We don't store email address, geographical address, phone number and password.

Agreement Upon Uploading Contents

When user submit contents, user agree to the conditions written below.
  • User must have all rights to make the contents publicly available.
  • User do not acccuse us of any legal responsiblities for any consequences caused by the contents.
  • User do not claim compensation for the damage of lost contents.
  • User grant us the right to make the contents publicly available with no limitations and royalty-free.
  • User agrees contents are licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, except where otherwise noted.

Administrative Policy

We may remove contents that match the case listed below.
  • Contents seems to be unrelated to the purpose of this site.
  • Contents seems to be illegal or willing to promote illegal acts.
  • Contents could do a lot of damages to somebody.


We don't guarantee the correctness of the contents and compensate any damages caused by the contents.
This page is subject to change. 2014 April 22th.